
Trevor could feel sunshine on his face. He turned his face and pulled his arm over his eyes in bid to stop the light that was disturbing his sleep.

He felt some voices coming from his right side. As if someone were moving around silently.

He put up his guards, and sat up instantly looking around in search of some new creature that was going to attack them both.

Both, he recalled "Damn, where is she ?" He mumbled groggily.

He looked around frantically to see those blonde hair anywhere. But he could not. He was going to start yelling out her name. "Je-," he drawled out, when he again heard voices around.

He wiped his head around to see Jenna sitting on the bank of river waving her hands in the water calmly.

" What are you doing here?" Trevor inquired.

Confused at sudden commotion Jenna wiped her head scared from unknown presence. She looked at the same guy who had brown curls 0covering his forehead ,with his blue eyes he was looking at her hazel one' tierdly.

"Uh, um, I was freshening up," she said putting her hand on her lap now.

Trevor looked at her now washed face and a calmed expression plastered on her face. He looked at her sudden change in behaviour but did not say anything not knowing the reason.

Jenna gave him a small smile trying to stop her laughter. And started to move little bit away from him. Because she knew, he was probably going to be super astonished when he saw all the sketching she had done on his face with the marker she had found surprisingly in her denim jeans that she had been wearing for past two days.

Trevor could not understand what was different now, "I don't understand what is going on in this girl's mind," he muttered.

Trevor gathered some water in his hands, he bent a little bit when he saw a strange person staring at him in the crystal clear water of lake.

The guy had his blue eyes, but his eyes were circled and had whiskers drawn on his cheeks. The guy staring at him was more or less likely a Joker from circus.

When it finally occurred to him, he yelled "JENNA!"

Jenna broke in fit of laughter. She saw Trevor angrily charging towards her when she started running away from him as far as possible.

"You are dead meat, " he shouted at her.

"We'll see," she muttered and turned to the direction where she saw the block lying in the corner near a tree. She jumped over it and ran in opposite direction.

Not prepared for the sudden jump. Trevor found himself hitting the block. The block moved in the opposite direction from the force and Trevor on other.

Jenna saw him lying on ground once again. She audibly huffed and started to run towards where he was lying.

"Are you okay?" She inquired and offered him her hand to stand up. Trevor took her hand and stood up but let go of it as soon as he was standing as if she would burn him.

Jenna rolled her eyes at his attitude.

"Thanks to you I feel as if some car ran over me, oh not to mention I look like a Joker right now." He declared in an angry tone.

"Who told you to run after me ?" Jenna countered questioned in a nonchalant manner, made a childish expression, turned around, and started to move in the direction of the block.

Trevor looked at her retreating figure dumbfounded. Confused he shrugged. And moved to the lake to wash his face.

Jenna was about to take the block and go sit under shade of some nearby tree when she saw some arrow sketches drawn on the right top corner of the block.

She turned around to see Trevor still washing his face, she was still furious at his sudden anger. So She did not say anything to him and moved to sit under the tree for the time being till he came to her himself.

He washed his face for good 10 minutes that was the least he could do to remove all the marker ink from his face. Sighing at his messy condition, he was still wearing his worn out pants and a green shirt.

He dried his face a little bit and moved to the tree where he saw Jenna sitting with block near her, with her hair now in a bun. And her smile gone.

He shook his head and moved to sit beside her under the shade. He was trying to look for some clue on block when Jenna placed her hand on some sketches and said, "Here,"

Trevor looked at the arrows indicating in some direction. "It really has more clues on it," he mumbled.

Jenna came to look on the block to understand the direction it was indicating into.

Trevor saw the arrows directing towards the North of where they were standing right now.

"Umm, what does it say?" Jenna said in a muffled voice, leaning on his shoulder. Hearing her voice near his ear Trevor looked at her startled. She was still busy looking at the arrows from his shoulder.

Trevor cleared his throat and looked anywhere but her, Jenna raised her eyebrows at him confused.

"Would you mind moving away?" He asked her. Not understanding him she responded, "huh?" She looked at him who was now glaring at his shoulder above which she was seeing the block.

"Oh, okay," she mumbled and took a few steps away from him.

"Umm, so do you know what does it say?" She asks him hoping to change the topic. Trevor placed his finger on arrows head and nodded, "What does it say?" She asked excited.

"It probably means North," he said nodding to himself.

"Are you sure ?" She re-asked. Trevor nodded his head again and said, "I guess, we can go and see it for ourselves it's not like we are doing anything here after all. "

Jenna nodded at this and said, "Of course," and started moving towards North with the rope on her right forearm and block now in her hands, that she was miserably trying to balance in her hands.

Not wanting to wobble all the way to whatever direction they were moving. Trevor walked to her and took block from her.

She looked at him suspiciously, but grinned widely when she did not heard a snarky comment from him and saw him moving forward with a stoic expression on his face.

"To the NORTH!" she yelled motioning with her left hand.

Trevor shook his head at her childish attitude and kept on moving towards the North.

"I hope it takes us somewhere, " he mumbled.