
Once the ride finished Emma jean grabbed the boys hand and pulled him off the carousel. "Want to go to the food court? I can get us anything to eat."

"We should get back to your parents."

"I don't want to. I want to get something to eat. Let's get something to eat right now."

The boy breathed deeply before following along with her whims. She may look like an angel but she certainly had a bratty attitude on her. He shook his head and let her lead the way. Emma jean took him to the food court and showed the vendors her special card. "We want ice cream. And funnel cake. Oh and I want a hot dog."

He tried to stop her from ordering something for him but when he seen her pout he couldn't say no to her. The two of them found a shaded place in the courtyard and waited. Usually they would stay in line while they waited for their snacks but since he was with the owners daughter they were treated like royalty. Anything to keep the little princess happy. While they waited the boy asked her what had been bothering him the entire time. "Why'd you run off?"

Right then their food came. Emma jean happily swung her legs back and forth. The smell of the funnel cake was enticing. She wanted to dig into that one first. "Because daddy wouldn't let me ride the new ride."

"Oh I heard about that. That kind of ride isn't for little kids like you."

"Nuh uh, daddy let me ride it. Its named after me so I should be able to ride the ride if I wanted to. It was so fun. I see dinos and unicorns and so many other animals. I wanted to ride it again but daddy said we couldn't hog the ride. It's my ride so I should be able to ride it whenever I want."

The boy now understood what happened. She enjoyed t so much she wanted to keep it all to herself. "You know if you kept the ride all to yourself no one lese would be able to enjoy it and that would make the other kids sad. Don't you think that's what your daddy was trying to tell you?"

Emma jean was biting into her hotdog when she looked up at him. He made perfect sense which made her feel annoyed. She didn't want to be wrong. She wanted to be right. "I guess so. You make a lot of sense but I don't like it. Where are your mommy and daddy?"

"My parents took my little sister to the kiddie section. I'm old enough to go on the rides by myself."

"Really? How old are you mister?"

"Not mister, I'm only 11."

"Oooh, I'm 6. And when I get older, I'm going to run the park."

"Not if you keep throwing dumb tantrums like that you won't." The boy started to eat his hotdog and moved on to his ice cream dots. They were still cool even though it took a few minutes before finishing his hotdog.

Emma jean finished her funnel cake and stood up. "Come on let's go to EJ mountain. I want you to ride it too."

"Sure, but you'll have to go back to your dad after we ride it. Deal?"

She thought for a moment before nodding her head. Her auburn hair whipping in her face as she did it. "Ok, but you promise to tell all your friends and come back to Kari-hope as often as possible." She held out her tiny brown hand making sure they sealed the deal.

The boy took her hand in his darker one and shook it. "Alright, I'll make sure that everyone I know comes to Kari."

Emma jean wrapped her arms around the boys waist and smiled up at him. "Come on let's go to the mountain now."

Once again Emma pulled him along with her but this time in the direction of EJ mountain. The line was long when they got there. Emma wanted to go to the front of the line and get on quickly. She started to walk towards the front when she was pulled back. Emma jean glared at him. Before she was able to say anything the boy stooped down and spoke to her. "It would be rude to jump the line. Everyone else has to wait in line and they would be upset if you were to go to the front without wait."

"But why should I wait when it's my ride."

"What about we play a game to pass the time? It'll go by a lot faster if we do that."

"What game?"

"How about eye spy?"

"How do you play that game?"

"I'll tell you the name of a color and you have to find it. I'll even make sure to tell you what it would smell like to make it easier for you."

The two of them got in line and started the game. "I spy with my little eye something green."

She pointed at the tree. "That tree?"

"Nope, it smells like flowers."

She placed her hand against her chin while she thought. The line begin to move. "That bush over there?"

"That's right. The bushes. It smells like roses to me. It's your turn to go."

"Oh, then I spy with my eye something brown. And fun."

The boy laughed, "Is it the mountain?"

"Yeah, how'd you guess?"

"You made it too easy. Try again. This time something a bit harder for me."

"Ok. I spy with my eye something gray."

"Is it the fence?"

"No, it has different smells on it."

"That table?"

"No, it uh it's hmm you walk on it?"

"The ground?"

"Yes! Right." The line moved again they were just a few people behind the front of the line. "We'll be up next, then right?"

"That's right. You ready?" It was finally their turn to get on the ride.