2. A Ketchup Bottle

Tony continues to sit in silence in the dining room chair. His hands were crossed and his eyes closed. His forehead frowned as a sign that the man was deep in thought. Evan who sat opposite him could only wait while moving his feet. Evan was so impatient. It has been almost an hour since he was in that position.

"Come on, Dad. Tell me everything quickly," Evan complained again. He had complained many times. Tony's words about his adoption made his mind uneasy. If it is true that he was adopted, who are his real parents? Why did he end up in the hands of this man he called dad?

Not to mention this inexplicable power. Why does he have that power?

"Be patient, Evan. I'm thinking of the right sentence to convey to you. I can't just convey it carelessly," Tony answered, massaging his forehead.

Evan sighed and pressed his cheek against the dining table. Apparently, he still had to wait a little longer. That's how Evan's father was. He will be silent when he is confused.

Evan's gaze fell on Mimi who was sitting on the other side of the table. The girl also sat quietly. Every now and then he looked in different directions to observe the small dining room that was become one with the kitchen.

Evan watched Mimi more closely. The girl's body, face, and appearance will definitely attract the interest of the boys. So beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Evan was confused. Is this a gift to say that the girl is in his house?

There's no way that girl is really his cell phone, right? However, after searching here and there, he did not find his cell phone anywhere. And if Evan pays attention, Mimi's dress, which is so tight and shows off her curves, has a texture and pattern that is very similar to Evan's cellphone case.

Realizing that Evan was looking at her like that, Mimi covered her chest and smiled knowingly. "Why do you look at me like that?"

"If you are my cellphone, why do you look like that?" Evan asked softly.

Mimi widened her smile. "Maybe you can guess it?

Evan thought, maybe Mimi's form turned out to be like that because that's the type of body and face that he likes. Perhaps, this mysterious power within him was connected to his thoughts.

"If I can give life to inanimate objects, does this mean I am a god?" Evan sighed.

"No, you are not God, son." Finally, Tony Speaks. "It's just that you are not from earth. I am also not from the earth. I am from a faraway planet and I am the one who brought you here."

"Great, we're aliens. Are my eyes originally big and all black in color? Is my skin actually green? Are my hands and feet actually tentacles?" Evan's mouth snickered. He didn't seem surprised at all. "Don't joke, Dad. You just told me that I was adopted. How can you even joke around at a time like this?"

"I'm not kidding, Evan." Tony's tone became even more serious.

"If you're an alien, where's your spaceship, Dad? Where's the alien technology in this house?" Evan looked around. "I only saw a small house made of cement and bricks filled with standard furniture."

"I leave all my belongings to the government as a condition so that I can stay here. They also examined my body, but luckily they didn't torture me or anything. But still ..." Suddenly Tony pounded the table, making Mimi and Evan startled. "They didn't torture me physically, but they tortured me mentally!"

Seeing his father's face look sadder than ever, Evan swallowed hard. Evan never saw his father's expression like this.

"How they mentally torture you, Dad?" Evan began to imagine the cruel mental tortures he had heard on Youtube's conspiracy videos. Like being locked up in an all-white room, or listening to the same metal song for days.

Tony took a deep breath. "I cannot have sexual relations with human beings or on earth! I am also prohibited from having sex with beings from other planets. The reason is that no one knows what will happen if I have intercourse with them! I have been on earth for many years, but why am I still a virgin!? I wish there were my species here! Unfortunately, I'm the only one living here!"

"Eh?" Seeing his father who looked even sadder than when he told Evan was adopted, Evan couldn't help but gawk. His brain went blank at once.

"You know, on earth, there are actually a lot of refugees from other planets, but they are hiding so that people on earth don't panic! They provide information on their home planet, as well as provide the items they brought from their home planet for the government to research!" Tony spoke in a fiery tone, but his eyes seemed to almost burst into tears. Even his voice sounded hoarse. "Like me, they also become a kind of consultant for various things, for example, to tell signs that their planet is going to invade the earth."

"Okay." Evan rubbed his face. His father's words became even more absurd in his ears. "Now I want to ask, where did I get adopted?"

"You weren't adopted in the usual way. Hell, you weren't even born the normal way."

Evan's brows twitched. His mouth fell open again. "How was I born then!? Was I born from a split watermelon!?"

That young man felt that he could go insane over his father's words.

"On our planet, there are no watermelons .... Shit, I have a hard time explaining that to you." Tony got up from his seat and squeezed his head in an exaggerated gesture, but a second later he was standing looking at Evan with a more normal expression. "You were born from the labs. You were made by scientists."

Evan shook his head and laughed bitterly. "Dad, are you drunk? Your words are getting ridiculous."

Tony grabbed the small ketchup bottle from the center of the dining table with an exaggerated motion. "So, on our home planet, there are some people who were born with special abilities. They are called the chosen ones."

"Then, what does that have to do with a ketchup bottle?" Evan sighed like a tired person.

"Nothing, really. I was going to use this bottle as a prop to explain, but I got confused. " Tony put the ketchup bottle back into place. "So, the bottom line is there is a very rare ability. One ability that can change the course of life on our planet. A power that only appears once every thousand years. Life-giving power. Imagine, what would happen if you had that power, you could make soldiers, make creatures that could be used to change the world order .... "

"Okay-okay, then what does that have to do with me being made in the laboratory?" Evan yawned, getting lazy to hear his father's story which he thought sounded like a cheap fairy tale.

"There are those who try to make a clone of a person with the life-giving power of the past. They succeeded and you were born. Yeah, because I feel sorry for you who in the future will obviously be taken advantage of by bad people, I took you away to this remote planet. I said to the government of the earth that you are really my son, not artificial beings. I did this so that you would not be used by the government of the earth."

Evan didn't really listen to his father's story. He looked at the wall clock in the dining room. At first, the young man's expression was normal, but gradually he widened his eyes. "I have class!!! I'm f*cking late!"

"Eh, wait a minute! I'm not done yet, Evan! " Tony screamed.

"You don't care about my education, huh!? Which parent keeps their child from going to college for the sake of hearing such absurd stories! " Evan shouted back by running. However, just leaving the dining room, he came back again. He looked at Mimi who was still sitting on the chair.

Evan knows, he's fucked. He needed his cell phone, but how could he carry Mimi around? Then, what if there is a text message or phone call?

"Ah, you want to go, Master? Okay, I will change to my original form," Mimi said while nodding. "Ah, there's a message from your friends Shane and Kara. They ask why don't you go to class?"

Evan snorted loudly. "If you are my cell phone, why didn't you tell me that earliee!? I'll be able to remember my class schedule!"

"Because your conversation with your dad sounds very important."