40. Can't Make an Interesting Title

In front of Evan sits a very beautiful girl, with fair skin, big shiny eyes, long black hair that falls down, and a mole under the corner of her left eye. However, Evan fell silent while staring at his milkshake which he hadn't touched yet. Since entering that cafe which is located in a mall, he has not spoken except to order a drink.

Olivia, that's the girl's name. She looked at Evan with narrowed eyes while sipping on a glass of thai tea.

"What's wrong with you, Evan? You have been daydreaming all this time. When I asked about the movie we watched earlier, you looked confused." Olivia sighed softly. "You still think about Kara, huh?"

Evan winced, scratching his hair with an awkward smile. "Not really! She's just my friend from childhood!"

Olivia smiled wryly. "Maybe you guys are just friends, but your feelings can't lie, Evan. From that girl's story, I got the impression that Kara is very ignorant. How could she always think you are joking when expressing your feelings? She was torturing you indirectly. Strangely, you are still close to her, have you really given up on getting her?"

Evan laughed a little to cover his awkwardness. Olivia's words made him very uncomfortable. "My feelings for her are just stories from the past, Liv."

Olivia's face became more and more doubtful. "Hmmm... I see. If indeed it wasn't because of Kara, please tell me why you look like have no spirit?"

The young man shook his head. "I'm not in the mood to talk about it ...."

"Okay, then." Olivia cut off the conversation, then took out her cellphone from her handbag. "I just have to tell my group of friends that you have ruined my day for acting like this. Gossip will spread that you aren't grateful to hang out with me. "

"Hey!" Evan gasped. He didn't expect such sharp words to come out of Olivia's small mouth. "Okay, I'm sorry. But, don't be like that, please."

Evan knew that he might already be hated by the men on his campus, especially single ones because he had been hanging out with Olivia, who is arguably the most beautiful girl in his faculty. And if the rumors that he wasted this moment spread, everything will be more annoying.

"So, you already want to tell what is on your mind?" Olivia wore a meaningful smile.

Scratching his hair again in irritation, Evan sighed. It seemed, Olivia can't be dealt with in normal ways. Evan felt that it was impossible to tell all his secrets, but at least he could tell a little of what was in his mind so that the girl would not push him on about this subject.

"Have you ever lost someone, Liv?" Finally, Evan asked. Of course, he was referring to Popo and Gargar.

Not answering right away, Olivia put her tea glass on the table. Her expression turned sad, her eyes turned downwards, and her mouth smiled bitterly. "Yes, and not just one or two, but many."

The hair on Evan's neck suddenly stood up. As if there was a chill running through his body. He got up and looked around him. The atmosphere was suddenly very quiet. The visitors and servants had vanished without a trace. In that cafe, there were only two of them.

With stiff movements, Evan looked back at Olivia. The girl looked back at him with eyes that were so strange, they didn't look like normal human eyes but were completely yellow with many patterns of thin black lines.


The girl sighed softly. "I know it's tough, Evan."

"Thank you, nice to meet you!" Evan said in such a fast tone. "Bye!"

Evan ran as hard as he could. He does not want to associate with other aliens. It will only reduce his chances of living an ordinary life.

However, his attempts to escape were in vain. Evan was very surprised to find that he can't get out of the cafe and instead returned to the table occupied by Olivia. Unwilling to give up, he ran again, this time through another door. It's the same, he keeps coming back to that place.

"It's useless," Olivia said softly.

Frustrated, Evan sat on the chair in the very corner of the cafe. He really stayed away from Olivia.

The girl got up and walked over to Evan.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shieeet!!!" Evan gripped his head tightly. The power in his right hand and all its implications has tormented him. Coupled with something like this? He really didn't want it.

He wants everything back to normal.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," Olivia said, still in a soft tone. "I just wanted to give you a message."

"Then, hurry up and say it! I don't want to be here too long! My life is crazy enough! I don't want the craziness to add up! It's not a spice that makes food even better if you add it!" Evan started to let out an incoherent grunt. "This is fucking madness!"

"Maybe, the obstacles you will face next will get tougher." Olivia continued. "You might feel hopeless, you might feel down, but I beg you, hang in there. The hope of the earth is in you."

Olivia's last sentence immediately sparked anger in Evan's heart. He turned to face the girl and spoke with a trembling mouth, "I am not a hero. I'm not the messiah. I'm just an ordinary college student who wants to live a normal life, that's all! Even if there were problems, I wanted problems that ordinary students would experience! Like getting a Dovi or being rejected by girls all the time! Not problems with extraterrestrial beings like this!"

Olivia closed her eyes. One drop of her tear falls down to her cheek. "Please, Evan."

The silent atmosphere in that cafe disappeared suddenly. Now, Evan can see the visitors and cafe workers again. They seemed busy with their own business, not knowing what had just happened.

Evan then looked around for Olivia, who was nowhere to be seen. Instead of finding the strange girl, he found another woman sitting opposite him. Turning to the side, he saw a man he also didn't know. That two people stared at him while bewildered in confusion.

"Ah, sorry!" Evan immediately jumped in surprise. He had just taken a table that was already occupied by someone else.

Not fully recovered from the shock, Evan was startled by the ringing from his cell phone. He immediately snorted when he saw the text message on that cellphone.

"There are monsters. Meet me at this point." The message from Jon ends with a GPS map link.

Grumbling, Evan walked away from the place. As he passed the table he had been sitting on with Olivia earlier, he stopped. His eyes found his glass of milkshake which is still full, and also Olivia's empty thai tea glass.

Apparently, what happened just now wasn't a dream.