42. Just a Fight Between Two Monsters, Nothing Special

Lexi and Pieter have yet to attack each other. Lexi moved around with both hands and feet, while Pieter just stood there watching his enemy.

At first, Grigio was observing the two monsters seriously, but seeing his men looking at him with pitiful and terrified eyes, the old man came to his senses. How stupid it would be if they were still there. They might get injured because they were accidentally hit by the monsters' attacks.

Grigio hurriedly gave a hand gesture for his men to follow him. They then immediately left the place.

"You didn't wait for them to leave before attacking me, did you?" Pieter laughed a little. "Even I who is in their side don't care."

Pieter lied. In fact, he actually felt that his movements would be disturbed if Grigio was still there. Earlier, the old man's bluff managed to make his heart waver. If Grigio had been hurt even a little, maybe things would have gotten worse for Pieter.

Instead of answering, Lexi fired a series of white webs from its mouth. Pieter immediately shifted away and ran towards Lexi. Then, Pieter slashed using his sword-hands to Lexi. The spider girl jumped out of the way and delivered a combination of kicks and punches, but Pieter could easily dodge all of that.

The attacks continued. Pieter continued to swing his sword hands from various angles, while Lexi continued to deliver a combination of punches and kicks, occasionally the woman jumped back and fired the webs.

However, there hasn't been any attack between the two that has hit each other.

"Hahahaha!!! You are amazing!" Pieter laughed like crazy. "This fight is so much fun!"

Lexi jumped high, then pressed her hands and feet against the wall, like a real spider. Pieter jumped in and tried to stab her. However, his sword-hands only penetrated the wall. Lexi crept so fast away from the place.

After releasing his sword-hands from the wall, Pieter jumped down. He only landed on the floor when he was hit by another series of cobweb shots. He rolls over to avoid that attacks, grabbed one of the chairs, then threw it as hard as he could at Lexi who was now crawling on the ceiling.

Lexi did not have time to escape. The chair grazed her body, make her fall from that place. However, she can still shoot her cobwebs at the ceiling. Now, she was hanging in the air.

And Pieter has jumped again to attack her.

Lexi swung her body to dodge, removed the cobweb still in her mouth, then fired another cobweb, this time at Pieter.

Pieter's body was caught by the woman's spider web. There was a loud sound as the man fell against the dining table until it shattered.

"Aaarrrgghhhhh!!!" Pieter immediately got up and cut the web on his body with his two sword hands. However, Lexi gave a continuous shot to her enemy. Pieter's body became entangled again and this time it was tighter. His upper body was now barely movable.

Not wanting to give up, Pieter kicked hard a chair that was lying until it flew fast. Lexi jumped up and kicked the chair aside. When she faced the front again, Lexi did not see Pieter.

While she looking for her enemy, Lexi's body was bumped by Pieter from the side with a bang. Lexi fell down with the man. Pieter, although still entangled with the cobweb, was able to get up first because he stretched his legs like a warrior in a Hong Kong action movie.

And then, the man stepped on Lexi's mouth so that she wouldn't shoot another spider web.

"Your cobwebs suck, bitch." Pieter managed to break free thanks to his two sword hands. All this time, he had been trying to cut the webs, even when he bumped his body into Lexi.

However, Lexi can still shoot her spider webs. Pieter immediately stepped back because his shoes were suddenly wrapped in Lexi's webs.

The spider lady got up and performed her combination of attacks. Pieter did not want to lose and started swinging his sword. A fierce battle took place again.

Meanwhile, on the outside, members of the special forces were peeking through the open door.

"I think we won't be able to fight them. From the way they fight, I know that they are at a higher level than the two monsters before." The squad leader said.

The rest of the squad looked at each other. Amazed and shocked at the same time.

"With all due respect, sir. Are we just going to leave them like that?" The man who was second in command asked.

The squad leader shrugged. "Remember, our main task is just escorting that brat to fight monsters…. Well, it's my fault to insist on going here without him .... Look, I don't want all of us to be seriously injured like the people before us who were assigned to fight the two monsters before. So, like it or not, we can only wait."

"But how long do we have to wait for that brat to come here, sir?" Another member of the squad chimed in, looking frustrated.


Leaning against the wall in a toilet area, Bob checked his watch. He'd been waiting there a long time, but Evan hadn't come out yet from one of the toilet cubicles.

"This is Alex. Can you hear me, Bob? Over. "The squad leader's voice came from the communication device attached to Bob's ear.

Bob pushed the little button on that device. "Copy, sir. I can hear you loud and clear. Over."

"Isn't that kid coming out yet? Over."

"Not yet, sir. I don't know how long he will be out. Over."

"These two people who were fighting were probably not random people who were turned into monsters. They may be special. The top suspected that this is a mafia hideout. There was no way that there would suddenly be two monsters fighting in a place where the criminals hang out. There must be a reason." The squad leader sighed. "We have to catch them. This is a golden opportunity. Get the boy out of here quickly, okay? Over and out."

The conversation ended. Bob was about to knock on the cubicle Evan was using, but he heard a flush. In just a few seconds, Evan was out. His face looks so limp.

"Come on," Bob asked in a cold tone.

"Forgive me …." Suddenly, Evan grabbed his stomach. His face stiffened and he went into the cubicle again.

Bob couldn't help but sigh. He approached that cubicle.

"After this, you have to undergo training. It's not just for your body, but for your mental as well." Bob spoke in a stern tone. "You are more nervous around special forces members than monsters, right? I will train you to get used to it. If you get used to me, you will get used to the others too."

Evan didn't answer. He is still busy with his nature calls.