46. The Poor Old Man

"You have wasted one of the most valuable assets of this organization! Do you know how expensive we paid Dovi to turn Pieter into a monster!? Now, he was caught by the government of that country instead! That's really bad news, you know! There's no way we could infiltrate the government just to save one person! Besides, there is no way we could ask Dovi to make a replacement! Do you know why!? Of course it's because he didn't want to cooperate with us anymore!!!" The mafia big boss grumbled at length. Grigio, who was listening while sitting on the edge of his bed, could only remain silent.

"I should have insisted on not sending a monster to your place! You should think of another, more effective way to bring Dovi back! That's your job! You've never done anything wrong before! Why did you fail in this incredibly important mission!" The big boss continued his rampage. His voice started to sound hoarse, maybe because he had been screaming for a long time. "I don't want to know! You have to take responsibility! You have to get Dovi no matter what! You have to do it with the resources that you have! I don't want to waste any more resources from here! You have to succeed, or you will know the consequences! Again, this is a very important mission! Do you understand!?"

Grigio closed his eyes. "Very well, sir. I understand. I will do my best using what I have here."

"And tomorrow I have to hear the progress!!!" After roaring like that, the big boss closed the call.

Sighing, Grigio looked at his cell phone for a moment, then turned it off. He opened the cellphone and took out the sim card that was inside. Without thinking, he threw that communication tool into a trash bin in the corner of the room.

The old man didn't really pay attention to the big boss's harsh words earlier.

Yes, Grigio has always succeeded in carrying out missions, even the most difficult ones. However, that was because he could still think of a solution. Now, the situation was different, he really didn't know what else to do. The rival organizations in this country had already started moving, he had yet to find a way to defeat that man with life-giving abilities, and lastly, of course he didn't know how to bring Dovi back into the organization.

Yes, he's fucked.

Perhaps the big boss really believes in Grigio. He must have thought everything would be all right if Grigio undertook this important mission. However, that belief tormented Grigio.

Grigio is tired of these expectations. He's not young anymore. In fact, he wants to rest. Unfortunately, the upper parties did not want to let go of someone of his caliber.

They argue that no one can replace that old man.

There was a soft knock on the door of the room. Grigio said in a weak tone, "Come in."

A thin man with his hair pulled open the door and entered. He was a little stunned by Grigio's casual appearance, wearing only a white polo shirt and jeans.

"I told you to wear casual clothes." Grigio slightly shook his head when he saw the full suit Max was wearing.

Max immediately bowed. "I'm sorry, sir! I will change my clothes."

"No need. It's just a waste of time. Just take off your suit and tie." Grigio pulled his suitcase out of the room. "We're leaving now."

"Let me carry the suitcase, sir!"

Grigio lightly shook off Max's hand that was already holding the suitcase. "No. I'll do it myself."

They both came out of the room and approached several members of the organization who were gathered in the living room. They did take refuge in a luxury house because of the commotion that occurred at their headquarters in this country.

"I'm going on a secret mission. I'm leaving alone with Max because I don't want the people I meet to be intimidated. That's also what makes me wear casual clothes like this." Grigio explained in a brisk tone.

"You took Max because he was the least intimidating of us, didn't you, sir?" One of the members laughed loudly. However, he immediately closed his mouth and looked at the floor as soon as he realized the others were staring at him and no one was laughing.

Grigio then glanced at Max. "Don't you remember, I asked you to take off your suit and tie?"

With a great jolt, Max hurriedly took off his coat and tie, then simply put it on the armrest of one of the sofas.

"I'm leaving first. I'll be back tonight." Grigio said goodbye and started walking away with Max.

The seated members stood up and bowed slightly. They said in unison. "Take care, sir!"

Grigio raised his hand and continued walking.

Outside the safe house, Grigio and Max approach a luxury black car parked on the side of the road. After putting his belongings in the rear trunk, Grigio sat at the front with Max, who was already holding the wheel. Max then drove the car.

Grigio chuckled. "How could they not have asked why I brought such a big suitcase."

Max swallowed hard. "May I ask, sir?"

"Go ahead."

"Are we really going to meet someone? You haven't said your destination to me. "

"We're not meeting anyone. We are currently running away from the organization."

Max was silent while still driving. It took a while for him to understand the meaning of such a simple sentence. He was so shocked that the car he was driving tilted, almost grazing another car on the road.

"What do you mean, sir!?" Max screamed hysterically.

"Your reaction is too late." Grigio seemed so relaxed, even though what he was doing now was considered a betrayal. He should not quit until he has the superior's permission. Once you enter a world like that, it will be difficult for you to get out. "I'm tired of a boss who can only order and expect the best results, but doesn't know the conditions in the field."

Max gaped.

"I chose you because you don't have a family or a lover. Nothing can be used to threaten you. Just like me. " Grigio laughed bitterly. "After this, we'll sell this car, buy an ordinary car, then run away as far as possible."

Max was still gawking.

Grigio then pressed a few buttons on the car's audio set. Shortly thereafter, a lively rhythm began to be heard, followed by vocals from members of the idol group Seven Deadly Cuteness.

Now, apart from gawking, Max was glaring as he stared at the audio set. Grigio didn't care and closed his eyes while leaning back in the chair. His head twitched slightly to the rhythm.