68. Yes, I Know the Humor is Still Lacking

Holding her phone to her ear, Kara took a deep breath. "Yes, Evan. Some of my friends have disappeared. Most of the members of the motorcycle freestyle club I joined had not been home since last night. Their numbers are not active either."

"Do you know where your friends went before they disappeared?"

Kara used the loudspeaker, so Evan's voice could be heard clearly in the room.

"They were waiting for me to come to where we used to train. They want to celebrate my birthday." Kara's voice trembled. She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. Just a moment ago, she had just cried.

"Okay..." Evan was silent for a moment. "Are there Mr. Jon's subordinates at your place?"

Kara glanced at a well-dressed young woman standing nearby. Wearing a formal blazer like an office worker, the woman had been watching Kara all this time. It was she who asked Kara to use the loudspeaker.

"Yes." Finally, Kara answered Evan's question.

The woman smiled. A fake smile.