72. A Green Ninja Who is so Cool He can Make Your Mouth Drooling Rainbows (2)

Once he pierced through the giant plume of smoke, Ninnin discovered that the yellow smoke inside was much thinner than the surface. Ninnin can still see clearly, although everything looks more yellow than usual.

"Ninnin, can you hear me?" Evan's voice came from the earpiece attached to the ninja's helmet.

"Loud and clear," Ninnin replied

"Wow, this equipment is amazing. I can still hear and see what's going on, even though you're diving at high speed. Maybe later I'll ask all of this to give life to ..." Evan cleared his throat. "Sorry, I was told to communicate with you, even though I was confused about what to say."

"No sweat, Master," Ninnin answered. "Speak when you want to only."

Ninnin made a somersault move in the air to prepare himself for landing. Then, when he finally arrived at the ground, he rolls his body. That landing method is so seamless and almost makes no sound.