76. A Green Ninja Who is so Cool He can Make Your Mouth Drooling Rainbows (6)

The roar of the motorbike grew louder, then there was the sound of something being hit hard, accompanied by screams from Ninnin. The screen in front of Evan showed a scene that swirled rapidly before finally turning dark.

"Hey! What happened, Ninnin!?" Evan asked wide-eyed.

"Looks like the camera came loose and broke." Bob chimed in.

There was no answer from the ninja. All Evan could hear were three more sequences of sounds, the roar of that terrifying motorbike, the sound of something crashing, and Ninnin's screams of pain.

And that happens continuously. Now, Evan felt like all his joints were frozen. He squeezed his head again. His partner was being tortured by the monster, but he couldn't do anything.

"Fuuuck!!!" The young man pounded the table loudly. His breath became ragged and his body trembled. With eyes starting to heat up with tears, he groaned, "I'm sorry, Ninnin…. All of this because of my incompetence…"