78. Speech No Jutsu (2)

The monster's motorbike was still running wild. The owner jumped up and managed to catch the handlebars of that vehicle, but he was too overwhelmed to even hold on to it. As a result, the monster was thrown and rolled down the street, while that motorbike crashed into a car until it was dented and the glass shattered, triggering a loud alarm.

"I feel sorry for the person who parked that minivan on the side of that road. Well, it's their own fault for choosing to park on a narrow street. I'm sure the insurance doesn't cover the damage caused by being hit by a monster motorbike." Evan babbled in an unenthusiastic tone. "Ah, sorry I'm talking nonsense like this. This situation makes me very tired."

The shape of the motorbike began to change. It became mushy like it was about to melt. Then, suddenly it exploded, but with a fart-like sound. And instead of a fireball, the explosion consisted of thick, swirling yellow smoke.