81. Just Because of One Katana

The monster dropped that bloody soldier's body to the ground, then he looked around. The officers and soldiers were pointing guns at him, while the medics chose to stay away.

"Leave me alone. You want to be like him?" The monster pointed to the soldier he had dropped earlier. And after that, he went back to twirling the chain vertically. The disc at the end of the chain continued to graze the asphalt, making a terrible sound.

He started walking over to Ninnin.

Evan's breath started to get out of control from the tension. His heart was beating very fast. He then turned around and shouted loudly, "Sword! We must find that sword now!"

Evan didn't care anymore that his voice would be heard by the monster. It is better to shout as loud as possible so that anyone can hear what he is saying. Who knows, maybe someone has already found it.