90. Some Emotional Shxt

Bob stopped his black sedan in front of a medium-sized house with beige paint and a dark roof. The front yard of that minimalist-designed house looks empty without any ornamental plants, even though the grass still looks well-groomed.

"I guess I was too late to take you home." Bob checked the watch on his right hand, then looked at the house, whose lights had been completely turned off. "Looks like your family is all asleep."

"That's not a problem." Kara shook her head slowly. "My parents won't be mad at you. After all, I already told them. Also, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm an adult, Bob. It's no longer appropriate for them to keep worrying about me."

"But still, I feel bad, Kara. Hurry up and come in to your house, so that I won't be scolded for taking you too long."

"Hey!" Kara used a made-up tone of anger. "You want to kick me out of your car? You don't want to be with me any longer?"

Bob exhaled with his mouth. "That's not what I mean, Kara …."