119. A Cute Name

The sun had already set. The people were asleep, and all that could be heard was the sound of crickets in the distance.

Evan walked quickly to the large banyan tree in the park.

"You really believe that I can give life to plants, Mimi?" Evan stopped just inches from the trunk of the tree. "And my power is enough? I won't faint?"

"You've asked that many times. Because of that I'm the one who hesitated!" Mimi, who was in Evan's shirt pocket, grumbled in annoyance. "I'm just saying one more time, you can do it!"

"My bad." Evan looked at his right hand, then stuck it to the tree. He hoped that the light that would be released would not attract the people's attention in the house.

The transformation is proceeding as usual. Evan activated his power, the tree shone brightly, and a few moments later, the light dimmed.