142. Not an Ordinary Event in a Mall (2)

The sound of metal clashing was still heard from inside the mall. Neither Ete-ete nor T.A still wants to give up. They have not been able to enter an attack on the enemy. However, the machete man had started to lose his breath, while T.A didn't look tired at all.

Ete-ete jumps far and lands near the small food stalls in the mall, some distance from the enemy. He wiped his sweat and caught his breath. If all this continued, he would obviously lose stamina.

"Are you all right, mate?" Evan's voice came from Ete-ete's communication device.

"I'm fine, Master!" The machete man answered in a stuttering voice.

"With a breath like that, you don't sound all right." Evan sighed. "What is going on?"