158. The Beginning

The sky was dark. Bob parked his motorbike in front of a small house that was close to other homes. The sharp-eyed man had just returned from his job as a freight forwarder, a position he didn't really like. The pay is small, and he doesn't uphold justice like a police officer. However, he had to keep doing it to survive.

"I am home." The man opened the door to his house, sighed, and took off his jacket.

He then froze. Strange. Why didn't Kara answer him? Was it because his girlfriend was out? Bob was unsure. If Kara wanted to leave, the house should have been locked, and the girl texted Bob.

"Kara?" Bob called again, but he still didn't get an answer. Feeling uncomfortable, he started walking towards the kitchen. There, he heard the sound of a gas stove burning.

He found a pot of water and vegetables on a burning stove. The water in the pot was almost gone.

"Kara!" Bob knelt beside his lover, who was now lying on the floor. "Kara, what happened!?"