163. Isekai’d (4)

Under the shady leaves of the pale brown trunked trees, Evan sat stark naked. He only covered his private parts with broad heart-shaped leaves from one of the trees. Meanwhile, he had draped his clothes onto a branch to dry. He could get sick if he kept wearing wet garments like that.

His position was vulnerable, but he had no choice.

There, he was alone. His other traveling companions did the same as Evan. However, they deliberately separated themselves so that they could not see each other. Apart from hating Tristan, Evan also didn't want to be with a naked man. For girls, of course, they don't wish their naked bodies to be seen by men.

Evan studied the twenty-five-inch oval fruit in his hand. The fruit is dull gray in color with a slightly fishy odor. "Is this fruit really edible, Liv?"

"It's edible, really. I can't say it's delicious, but it's still eatable." Kara answered with a mouth full of food. "Ah, you can eat the skin too."