Heavenly Star City’s Inventory, the Heavenly Tribulation

She disappeared in front of the ordinary Heavenly Star City members.

Yu Tianxing went to another hall.

According to her investigation, this was the main hall and the largest palace in Heavenly Star City.

The previous palace was only where the core members gathered.

"Come to the main hall. Core members, come here."

A telepathic message was sent to Gong Feifan and the others, who were still in a daze.

Everyone seemed like they had just woken from a dream.

"Increase the patrols quickly. Block all the exits of Heavenly Star City. No one is allowed to go out."

"Everyone, listen up. No one is allowed to go out for the time being. Those who disobey will be executed!"

She gave the order and controlled the situation.

All the core members quickly flew to the main hall.

Yu Tianxing sat on the dragon throne, waiting for them to arrive.

"Your majesty!"

Everyone bowed.