The Azure Dragon Secret Realm Opens and the Treasures Are Stored Away

Shi Shan felt an irresistible force, and his state of mind collapsed.

The immense pressure caused his entire body to bleed, and within a few breaths, he became a bloody man.

Everyone's scalps went numb when they saw Shi Shan's miserable state.

This was too terrifying.

Even Shi Shan, who was a half-step Emperor, could not resist the mysterious man in front of him at all. If it were them, they would have died long ago.

Fortunately, they did not make a move just now. Otherwise, they would have been killed without hesitation.

As for those sects that wanted to surrender to the Desert Sword Sect, they all ducked and hid, afraid that Ye Changge would notice them and kill them as well.

Right now, they lowered their heads and kept hidden behind other bodies, not rushing forward to save Shi Shan.

Ye Changge's strength had deeply impressed them, and it had already shocked them greatly.