Mu Wufa’s Rage

"This young master wants this magic treasure!"

A sharp voice sounded.

Ning Manman heard the voice and looked over. She saw a man dressed in fancy clothing walking over with a guard beside him. He was at the mid-stage Quasi-emperor Realm.

The expressions of the other people who were here changed when they saw this man.

"It's actually Mu Wufa. This beast is simply lawless in the capital city. I think he's taken a liking to this woman. Sigh!"

"This lady is in danger. I don't know how many women have been ruined by him. He's truly devoid of conscience."

"You're wrong. I think these two ladies can't escape his devilish palm technique. Who asked him to have a powerful father?!"

Everyone discussed animatedly and sighed.

In the capital, this person was tyrannical. Those who wanted to act could not stand it and were suppressed.