Former Home

Whis was from the underground boxing world and was taken in by the Alexander Corporation. After undergoing systematic training,

Whis joined the security team of the Alexander Corporation.

At this moment, he was standing in the third-floor corridor of the villa, looking around aimlessly.

Feeling sleepy, he yawned.

However, a sudden alarm pierced his ears.

It was a bit more than 1 PM now.

The following screams woke Whis up completely.

His figure moved, his expression nervous and serious.

With a few quick steps, he rushed to the fourth floor.

In front of the recuperation room, Kenton, who was in charge of the security on the fourth floor, was already standing there with a heavy expression.

Soon, a doctor and a few nurses appeared in the room.

They searched every inch of the room carefully.

"Someone just came in." Seeing Whis rushing here, Kenton said in a deep voice.

Whis's gaze looked into the room.