An Inescapable Fate

The back tire near the engine tank of a bright white Lamborghini crushed over the oil pit.

In the smooth-moving car.

The temperature was comfortable and so was Stansen's mood.

Stanson, the vice president of the Owain Chamber of Commerce.

He seemed to have finally escaped from the calamity of life and death.

He urgently needed to release the suppressed emotions in his heart.

He looked at the cars surrounding him like stars surrounding the moon as well the helicopter flying in the sky and leading the way.

The pride in his heart broke through the shackles of fear and climbed back up.

There was a self-satisfied smile on his lips.

Stansen's breathing was slightly hurried.

His skin was still a little hot.

Finally, after experiencing extreme fear and oppression.

His adrenaline level went up, and he revealed a hideous and twisted smile.

He swore in his heart that he would tear John into pieces!