Offering Herself Again?

An ordinary, slightly old, black Volkswagen Santana drove quietly into the underground parking lot of Owain city's police headquarters.

Two Secret Service agents got out of the car.

Behind them was a white-faced, bald middle-aged man whose body was trembling uncontrollably.

This person was Peter, the driver of the online ride-hailing car that John was on.

The two officers led the bald man into the building.

The steps of the staircase flashed past his eyes.

Peter felt his heart slowly jumping to his throat.

He didn't know what had happened.

However, just now, he saw two IDs belonging to the National Special Task Force.

Then, he could only follow them into the car without any resistance.

In a small interrogation room where all four sides were sealed off.

A dim light and cold room.

A metal table and wooden chair.

Under the ceiling was a wire wrapped in black leather.