
In front of the Night God statue, the soles of Reinhart's leather shoes turned red.

Rayast, wearing a Chinese suit, walked out from the inner room with his walking stick.

His cloudy eyes scanned the chaotic hall.

His gaze then shifted to the foot of Reinhart.

At this moment, outside the house.

Muffled sounds rang out one after another.

"What's happening outside?" Rayast asked in a deep voice.

"The people outside must have alarmed the birds."

Reinhart's expression returned to its reserved state.

He bowed slightly and replied respectfully.

At this moment, another gray crane-like bird crashed into the house.

"Master Rayast, please return to your room," Reinhart said with concern.

Rayast's eyelids twitched.

He clenched his walking stick tightly under his palm.

He turned and went back into the house.



Reinhart stood with his hands folded.

His eyes flickered.