John's Performance

In the police car.

The wound on John's abdomen was affected.

The white bandage was soaked in red again.

After calling the female doctor just now, John's desire to perform seemed to have been restrained.

His expression was cold.

The waves of pain he was feeling couldn't be seen on his face at all.

The old detective, Bloom, and the Secret Service agent, Victor, sat on either side of John.

The atmosphere in the car was silent.

Victor subconsciously twirled a lock of hair on his forehead.

He studied John in the rearview mirror.

Sitting so close to John, Victor felt like he was leaning against a ferocious beast that was about to explode.

Every cell in his body was giving out warnings.

His cells were begging and shouting in his ears, "Stay away from him! Stay away from him!"

On the other side, old detective Bloom's body was also tense.