Sifeng Wakes Up

Three days passed, but Zhang Sifeng was still unconscious.

The doctor had stitched up the wound on Sifeng's head, now just waiting for Sifeng to come to his senses. There's no serious problem in his head, but don't know why Sifeng hasn't come to his senses yet.

Gil visits Sifeng who is in the ICU. Gil touched Sifeng's forehead with 2 fingers, the index and middle fingers.

A moment later, Sifeng slowly opened his eyes.

"Gege...." The first words that came out of Sifeng's mouth, after Sifeng was unconscious for three days.

"Sifeng, are you awake? Alright, I'll call Yushen after this."

Gil comes out and brings good news about Sifeng's consciousness.

Yushen came in after the doctor checked his little brother's condition.

Prok! Prok! Prok!

Yushen clapped his hands.

"Great! Great! You've managed to owe me your life once again, you idiot!"

Sifeng just smiled at Yushen's gossip.