Illusion Cave

"Feu'er! How dare you betray us!" said the Mermaid Queen, loudly. She felt fooled right now.

"Hahaha... you think I'm only here for a silly game like this, huh?" said King Feu'er, pouting his lips. It seems that King Feu'er had an ulterior motive for coming to this Mermaid Island.

"We should have known from the start your intention, Damn King!" Gil said, trying to untie King Feu'er's magic. However, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't untie the magic.

"Hahaha... that's how stupid you guys are! You're too kind and it's too easy for me to fool you. Now, you won't be able to break free from that bond. It's the strongest bond of the Schneider Clan ancestor!" said King Feu'er.

King Feu'er was now approaching towards his enemy, while tapping his mighty scepter at the Mermaid Queen and the others.