Watanabe's Mansion

Yushen felt it was absolutely impossible. It was possible that what Mr Zhang and Madam Wang had said about Sifeng's mother was just a lie. Or perhaps, they had indeed been lied to by Sifeng's mother?

A residence of this size is more like the headquarters of a group of yakuza, Yushen thought again.

Dozens of men in black suits stood guard around the house. Yushen even doubted whether he had remembered the address wrong? However, Yushen was bestowed by God with a good memory. So, it was impossible for Yushen to remember wrongly at this point.

Good grief! Thinking of all that, made Yushen forget Sifeng. Yushen turned his head towards Sifeng, who was still standing behind Yushen's body.

Seeing Sifeng's current expression, reminded Yushen of a child who was very afraid to go to school for the first time.

Yushen could even see Sifeng's body shaking with fear. At this moment, Sifeng looked as if he was carrying a very heavy weight on his shoulders.

Sifeng grabbed Yushen's hand.