Escape Move

The Zhang family chased Little Yushen away like a stray dog.

Imagine, they throw a 10-year-old child into the street just like that. When it rains heavily too.

They pushed Yushen's little body into the glass cupboard. It hit Yushen's back with shards of glass.

It was only natural that Yushen would take revenge for the insult. Especially to Sifeng who had usurped his place in the Zhang family.

But now the reality has reversed. As it turned out, Sifeng was Yushen's younger brother. Yes, sibling with Yushen. They were both Mr. Zhang's children with two different women.

Yushen stared fixedly at Sifeng who was limply on the ground. Yushen wanted to help his sister, but Yushen was powerless. Masaru still stepped on Yushen's hand.

Killua, Kaza, and Sukasa approached Sifeng's body lying on the paved ground. Sifeng was still unconscious from a while ago.

"So, this man you are protecting, Young Master?" said Killua, grabbing Sifeng's long hair roughly.