
"Cough! Cough!" Gil choked and coughed loudly.

Vin immediately approached and created a cup of water in his hand. Vin gives Gil a drink and checks on his brother.

"What's wrong, Brother Gil? Do you feel pain somewhere? Say it!" Vin asked, panicked. He looked at Gil with a worried look.

After drinking the holy water given by Vin, Gil continues to feel good. He doesn't have a cough anymore.

Gil smiled at Vin who looked worried. Gil patted Vin on the shoulder.

"Calm down, Little Brother! I'm fine right now. So, don't worry!" Gil spoke, softly.

"Actually, what did Felius give you earlier, Brother Gil?" Vin asked, curious.

Gil shook his head.

"I don't know myself either, Vin. But, I hope it's not poison or anything."

"If you experience something strange to yourself, tell me immediately, Brother Gil! If it's poison, I will immediately find an antidote," said Vin, so seriously. He was really worried about his brother at the moment.

Hearing Vin's words, Gil smiled again.