The Palace of the Foxes

-The Palace of the Mermaids-

Vincent Greyrat slowly opened his eyes. Hard enough, as if he had closed his eyes for years.

Beside him stood his beloved grandmother, the Mermaid Queen. On the other hand, Vin also saw the figure of his cousin, Mermaid Sharon.

And maybe some other Gods. Right now, Vin's vision was still a bit blurry. Vin had a hard time recognizing who the Gods were in the room.

"Where am I, Grandma?" said Vin, quietly. It was clear from his tone that Vin was still very weak.

"Rest, My Grandson! You're in the Mermaid Palace right now, Vin," said the Mermaid Queen while gently stroking Vin's head.

Vin was silent for a moment, as if Vin thought of something.

"How is this possible, Grandma?" Vin woke up instantly when Vin remembered something.

"I still clearly remember that I was in Fotia State Palace before. Then how did I get here, Grandma?"