To Japan Again

-Crystal Country Palace-

"Aarrrgh, why my eyes?" said the man while holding his left eye.

A woman came with a pink powder which she put on a flower petal.

"Shut up, Young Man! Open your eyes! This lotus flower pollen will heal your eyes."

"Thank you. My eyes don't hurt anymore." The silver-haired man, who was partly tied up, spoke.

"Forgive my daughter's carelessness, Son...?"

"Vincent. You can just call me Vin."

"Oh yes, Son. Where exactly are you from?" The Queen asked.

"I'm a prince from the Land of Fire-Water. If I may ask, where am I currently?" Vin asked softly to the woman who was his mother's age.

"You are in the Crystal Land Palace. And I am Acasha, the Queen of the Crystal Lands." The Queen said while rubbing Vin's head gently.

Vin immediately bowed, and put his right hand on his chest.

"Sincerely, Queen."

"There's no need to be so shy, Son. Get some rest! If you need anything there are ladies-in-waiting outside."

"Thank you, Queen."