Brother Zarius

Then, Yushen pressed Sifeng's head into the water firmly.

"Why are you showing up now huh?! Stay in the water, you idiot! You've really embarrassed me, A-Feng!" Yushen snapped at Sifeng.

Zhang Yushen watched the two girls drift away. He just smiled faintly.

So, this is how they play? Yushen also felt that the incident that happened to his clothes being hit by a cappuchino yesterday, was also a trick of the two girls. The two girls had already fooled Sifeng and Yushen.

What troublesome girls, Yushen thought.


Hana and Nana are sitting relaxed on the long sofa. Not far from them, Mr. Watanabe was struggling with the papers that were on his desk.

"Grandpa, we really don't understand how to run a company. Our mom and dad went to Bangkok for three months. They told us to take care of a temporary company. Huuft ... how can this be?"

Nana complained to the old man who was a few meters away from her.