
"Hahaha, sorry! You surprised me, Princess." Vin cruelly even laughed seeing Princess Aludra wincing in pain.

"Then how do you get to that place, Princess? Am I the only one riding on your back," suggested Vin, who really wasn't manly. Vin said while helping Putri Aludra to stand up.

"You bastard!! Disrespectful and heartless man!!" grumbled Putri Aludra, looking disapprovingly at Vin.

Vin cupped his hands in front of his chest and said, "I'm sorry then."

Princess Aludra nodded, although she was a little forced. After that, Princess Aludra looked back at the highest shelf, where the Ancient Book was.

"Alright, I'll get on your back!" continued Putri Aludra, which Vin agreed. Vin bowed.

With a bit of compulsion, Princess Aludra climbed onto Prince Vin's back. Princess Aludra is now on Vin's back. She tried to reach for the book.

However, when Princess Aludra climbed onto Vin's bent back, it couldn't reach the shelf yet.