Sanya Bay

Nana brought a small glass filled with a jet black liquid. Nana had already given Sifeng the potion several times.

"Now it's time for the potion, Zhang-san," Nana said as she handed the small glass to Sifeng.

"Gosh! Bitter elixir again? In fact, this potion of yours is even more bitter than the medicine in my uncle's hospital," Sifeng grumbled with an annoyed snort. He turned his face away.

Nana didn't seem to care about Sifeng's refusal. Nana immediately grabbed Sifeng's arm, telling Sifeng to come in immediately. Then, Nana forced Sifeng to sit on the sofa.

"Do you want to drink alone or should I force you?" Nana snapped at Sifeng.

Really, Nana's treatment of Sifeng looks more like a babysitter who is telling her foster children to take medicine.