Few Months Later

Nana felt that she wasn't her real self. Usually, Nana always rebelled, but right now Nana looked very comfortable in this man's arms.

Nana let Sifeng hug her.

After a while, Nana felt weird being hugged by Sifeng.

"Can you let me go this time, Zhang-san?" muttered Nana, who was starting to feel hot in Sifeng's arms.

"So what's the answer?" asked Sifeng, a moment later.

"What answer?" said Nana, in an even tone.

Gosh, this girl is so insensitive! Sifeng thought, cursing.

"Yes the answer about whether Nana wants to be my lover?" Sifeng asked again. Sifeng looked annoyed at Nana's insensitivity.

Sifeng groaned, frustrated. Usually, Sifeng is very easy to get a girl. However, Sifeng didn't know why it was so hard to get Nana's attention.

"Answer me, Nana! Do you want to be my lover?" Sifeng asked again.

"Hahaha, it's not that easy, Zhang-san! We're too fast to get into such a close relationship!" Nana said, showing a lopsided smile.