Meteorite Jade Flakes

Yushen felt sad because he had to see his brother's spirit like this. Yushen was afraid that his brother's spirit might not be able to return to Sifeng's body. Yushen looked up to hold back the tears that were about to fall from being moved. He could see his brother's face again after a long time.

"Gege!" called Spirit Sifeng, softly. He also seemed to really miss Yushen.

"Stupid! Why are you only now appearing in front of me, huh?!" Yushen snapped. However, he was actually very happy even though he looked like he was angry.

"I'm sorry, Gege! I'm fine right now. I've tried everything to make you aware of my existence, but still can't. I who is in spirit form can't be seen by a normal human like you."

Sifeng said with a smile, to encourage his brother. Sifeng also tried to hold Yushen's hand, but couldn't.

Akazawa Hana is very moved to see the reunion of these two brothers, but not with Nana.