Black Mountain

Spirit Sifeng seemed to have mis-spoke earlier to inflame the anger of the Gods present at the meeting.

"Please enjoy the meal again!" King Glen Greyrat tried to distract the guests.

The guests finally turned to the food that was served in front of them. Food is adapted to where they come from. Flowers for the Gods. Meat for the Bear King, Crocodile King and others. Also a lot of food from the Human World such as nd others. And various other types of food according to the tastes of the guests.

On the other place, Zhang Yushen burst out laughing remembering the gazes of the Gods on his brother's spirit earlier.

All of God's eyes seemed to be judging the Sifeng Spirit just now. However, Yushen laughed at Sifeng's ridiculous antics instead. If this had not been the meeting for the Peace Treaty, Sifeng would have been punished for insulting the Gods earlier.

A moment later, Yushen took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Yushen was still focused on the dish in front of him.