Save Lord Jack (II)

"Come in here, Sifeng!!" The King of Dreams shouted for Sifeng to hear his voice.

Finally, the King of Dreams came up with a solution. He told Spirit Sifeng to enter into the Dream King's wand.

"Ha ha, your brother is so innocent, Yushen?" said the King of Dreams. This time he laughed, not just as smugly as before. However, also laughing in the cool sense of 'ha ha' only, not to 'hahahahaha'.

"Hmm, I think it's more appropriate to call it stupid than innocent. Because innocent and stupid are very thin," said Yushen with a cool smile.

After a few hours of traveling, Yushen and the King of Dreams finally arrived at their destination.

Zhang Yushen looked around in all directions. Well, Yushen is currently on a high cliff next to the Black Sea. On the other side of the cliff, there was a very large black rock.