Does Not Recognize?

Yushen gathered all his life. Yushen didn't know why he felt that his life was incomplete. Ah, could this be the effect of crossing a time and space dimensional portal?

In fact, it was all just because Yushen was afraid of losing Sifeng alone. But, in fact the one who died was not Sifeng, but someone else.

Yushen came out of the ICU, guilt-free. This incident was very embarrassing for him. Yushen felt like he wanted to flee to Mars because he was too embarrassed.

Yushen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He thought of a way not to feel too embarrassed about recognizing people.

Yushen mustered up all his courage and pushed his shame away. Yushen walked leisurely while whistling as usual.

When Yushen passed the crowd earlier, Yushen quickened his pace, avoiding the questions that would come from the family of the corpse lying in the ICU.

So, the hands that previously forbade Yushen to enter earlier, probably just wanted to ask, "Who are you?"