"I gave him what I should give to him." The old woman said. She didnt want to tell the princess anything knowing that she would be able to keep it from her mother. If anyone were to know what Nicholas was , no doubt she would want to use the man for God knows what. And although she suspected that Phantasy likes the man, she wouldn't dare her thirst for power. Afterall she had seen what her mother could do. Nicholas screamed from behind 

She turns around and begins to walk away knowing that she will not be able to imprison Nicholas as she had intended. The old woman was too wise. And all odds were against her right now. She tilts her head a little to catche a glimpse of the door that has now become quiet and peaceful. Nicholas. She knew that the woman knew something but wouldnt say.

Oh! when all odds are stacked against me, will you be the only even one?