Ending of the Duke

I watched as the guards walked up to me with confidence. Now I have to give credit where it's due, because these guys where staring up at me with confidence like they were sure they could beat me even though they were looking up at me the same way a I used to look up at the old tvs that wallyworld used to have in the 90's and early 00's 

"Listen guys this doesn't have to end like this. I am a reasonable man, let's just sit down and discuss this like gentleman and I'm sure we can come to a non violent conclusion ok?"

I held my hands out with my palms up in a non aggressive position to show that I wasn't aggressive and I even smiled a little. I did everything that I learned back on earth about how to try and pacify a situation when it becomes hostile... And I know I usually eat first and say fuck it all later so don't come at me with all that bullshit.... I'm trying here ok?