Meeting the Father

We rushed over all the while I was quickly casting minor regeneration over the party to heal their cuts and scrapes and give them back some of their lost stamina. I could still hear the sounds of fierce fighting and the clanging of metal against metal. If Lizaria's dad had recognized Desmaros already, then why hasn't he stopped the fight yet? I looked glancingly at the mysterious man running with us that was her so called 'uncle' but I still was wary of him. If this was her uncle then he held an important place in my old clans recent history.... I mean it's not everyday that a human... Or demon? Get's to mate with a dragon, but this man did something to earn that right..... I'll have to ask mom and dad more about it when this is all over with. Something isn't adding up here...

We had been running for a few minutes on the outskirts of the camp through the nearby woodlands but somehow we haven't been ambushed or encountered anymore of the hellhounds.