2.8: Rescue

"Do we really have much of a choice?" Fletcher asked. "I mean really?"

"It will be risky," Hunter replied. "But if we don't get her, we run the risk of having everything that we have worked on crumbling to ashes before it has really taken off."

"So how do we get her back?" Fletcher asked.  I hope that she is still alive. Hold on, Savannah, we're coming for you.

"I think that it would be best if Fletcher, Hunter, Genifer and I rush Drobi," Theo started. "And Peia and Skylar get Savannah out. Esmee, Claudia, Angus, Jeremy, Joshua and James are too important to risk putting them in this amount of danger."

"I agree." Fletcher replied. "There is human-safe food and drinks in the kitchen, mostly in the upper cabinets but also in the refrigerator."

"Thank you." Claudia replied. "Now go get our sister back."