004. Was it a trap?

One by one, the nobles invited for the meeting arrived in the Wilmington's Estate. Hyacinth was too busy preparing in her room that she didn't get the chance to greet her brother Oleander and her sister Belladonna. She had thoughts of visiting them before the official meeting began when she heard a knock on her door.

The maid opened the door and quickly bowed down when they saw Princess Belladonna and her knight standing outside Hyacinth's room.

"Sister!" Hyacinth exclaimed when she noticed the presence of her sister. She abruptly placed her teacup down and greeted her elder sister. "It has been awhile. I've missed you," she said, smiling at her as she genuinely expressed her sincere feelings to the first princess.

Princess Belladonna greeted her back. They both stood at the doorway. Hyacinth was already thinking of asking her to come inside, but the princess spoke again.

"You should go home while you still can, Hyacinth. You aren't safe in here." Her low tone and serious expression gave a shiver that brushed down her spine.


"Run until you can before your own blood drowns you."

Hyacinth was confused. She was unsure why her sister was giving her such a warning. And before she could make out the words and ask her a question, Princess Belladonna bid her goodbyes.

"See you at the meeting."

Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the empty doorway in front of her. There was a weird emotion on her sister's eyes, something dark that somehow resembles the glint on the Count's eyes that she saw on the first day she arrived.

Hyacinth went back inside and summoned Sir Angelico.

"Dispatch a knight to the palace and check if there's anything weird going on in there," she ordered. Angelico heed her orders without asking anymore questions and left her.

Hyacinth was in a trance of frustration as she sat on the couch. She was trying to recall everything that had happened during her afternoon tea with her father three days ago.

Aside from the deep dark circles of his eyes and his underweight figure, the King also looked weary. His speech tone and gesture were all the same, but he acted differently towards her. He wasn't the type to give approval without the person proving their worth to complete the task.

"What if..."

Hyacinth covered her mouth, eyes widening as a thought flashed across her mind. 'What if this was a test to prove my worthiness to do his job? If I didn't forget that father wasn't someone to reconsider a final decision, especially if the subject has a fair number of bad things going on around him or them, then I wouldn't be in here. Was I too blinded with this optimistic faith of mine that I failed to recognize the task he had given me?'

She could feel her blood being sucked at the anxious thoughts lingering on her head. And it made her ladies in waiting worried. Hyacinth wasn't sure enough of her conclusion, but what she knew is that today wouldn't be a normal meeting for them. The reason why it was held on the Wilmington Estate was that the place was located outside the mainland. To avoid conflicts and favoritism by stepping in the other territories, they held the meeting in the Estate of the head of the Noble Faction.

The only reason would be that the long-awaited discussion and opposition between the nobles and the King, and the demands of the first prince and princess would finally come to an end. And whatever end they might reach today would be the start of something.

'Like a spark for the fire of war.'

"Your Highness... Should we call the doctor?" One of them asked.

Hyacinth was staring vaguely at the floor, her eyes wide as she held on to her servant's wrist. "Is it possible for us to leave without causing any disturbance?"


"Have we prepared everything?" Prince Oleander asked his aide, Jameston.

Jameston bowed his head as he stood behind his master. "Yes, Your Highness. Everything had been prepared as you requested."

Prince Oleander snickered as he glanced at the opposite side of the hall. The meeting was held on the hall of the Wilmington Estate, and the room was divided into three areas; the First Prince's Faction on the left, the First Princess' Faction on the right, and the neutral nobles and esteemed guests that will act as the spectators on the front.

Princess Belladonna wore her casual uniform as she sat on her chair. She felt a sharp gaze piercing at her that she turned her head. A smirk flashed on her lips when she saw her prince brother staring at her. She noticed him raising his glass, as if to cheer for her and she tried to ignore it. Today would be the end when she plays like a good sibling to him.

On the other hand, Princess Hyacinth was seated beside Marquess Lewis and behind her stood Sir Angelico. Her hands were trembling as she rested them on her lap. She found out earlier that she won't be able to travel back to the palace, until the meeting was adjourned. So she mustered all her strength to attend the meeting.

She was silently offering her prayers to Aoife when she felt an unfamiliar hand patting her shoulder. She almost jumps from her seat when she saw Marquess Lewis leaning close to her, his was smiling in a disturbing way.

"Calm down, Your Highness. Your radiance will glow paler if you'll let anxiety prick you," he whispered.

It might have been rude, but Hyacinth slapped his hand away from her. The loud smacking sounds their hands hitting one another caught the attention of the nobles sitting close to them.

Hyacinth tried to ignore them and with a menacing glare, she spat on him. "Please refrain from touching me, Marquess Lewis."

Hyacinth turned behind him and she instructed her knight to move her chair a few inches away from the Marquess. Truthfully, the princess was really terrified of getting close to him It was because of a grave sin that the Marquess did when they were still engaged. The man was truly attracted to the princess and that attraction eventually lead to obsession. And that obsession soon took over him and he attempted to defile her.

He was lucky enough to survive a death trial just because of the reason that they were engaged.

The eyes that were watching them soon focused in the middle of the hall where Count Wilmington stood.

"I dearly wish that we could all end this discussion in an orderly fashion."

Prince Oleander's faction started. It was the Prince's aide, Jameston, who spoke. They are bringing up the possible invasion of the neighboring countries that might happen in the future if the issue about the heir spreads all over the world. They were speaking about strategies and war conflicts, and a safe future that Prince Oleander will protect for the people of the Kingdom.

When it was Princess Belladonna's turn, she laid out facts and information regarding the prosperity of the Kingdom. She discussed the matter of commerce that will make their Kingdom grow worldwide. And how to use that as a weapon to keep war at bay or to prevent it before it could even start.

Both factions gave splendid remarks regarding their way of ruling in the future. They were trying to impress and persuade the neutral nobles who attended today. And supposedly the King if he attended today's meeting.

This had been going on for the past few months and the King never attended nor replied to any meeting invitations sent to him. He stood firmly on his stance, on breaking the lineage of the Fleurians in terms of ruling this Kingdom.

The nobles who were neutral were moved at the presentation of both the prince and the princess. They were now starting to pick the candidate they will support. Both faction ended in a fair fight, they received equal supporters from the neutral faction. And the remaining person who hasn't chooses was Hyacinth.

And today, Hyacinth could feel the piercing gazes of the nobles surrounding her, as if they were waiting for her decision. She did her best to smile innocently as she humbles herself to them.

"I do not believe that I am fit to choose in behalf of His Majesty the King. I shall relay everything I heard today instead and send His Majesty's decision through a letter."

A powerless royal would be as weak as a commoner. Or like a rabbit in the cage of the lions. Hyacinth was like that. In fact, she felt as if she was the prey and the people around her were her predators, watching, observing everything she did. It was scary, but it also gave her more reasons for her to toughen herself.

'I'll definitely question father and figure out everything that's happening using Ludwig. It's hard to walk with a blindfold covering my eyes.'

Hyacinth was early to retire for the night. A sense of excitement filled her when she thought of leaving tomorrow. She had missed the emptiness of the Amethyst Palace and her overprotective father. She will surely pull herself out of her cage to protect what she can. She can't just allow her siblings to monopolize everything just because of their greed.

What she realized today in this meeting was how dumb she was for being so naïve of the world around her. If she wasn't too focused about the positive sides of everything, then she wouldn't be blinded by her useless faith.

"Your Highness! We must escape now!"

Hyacinth frowned at her. She just awoke from her sleep when one of her ladies in waiting, Cindy, rushed in her room and wake her up.

"Cindy... Calm dow-" Cindy held both of her arms and pulled her out of her bed.

"His Majesty and the princess' life are in danger!"