Anko Mitarashi

Anko Mitarashi

Âge: 16 year old

Crew: Devil Pirates

Bounty:150 000 000

Strenght: Rear Admiral

Speed:Vice Admiral

Defense: Rear Admiral

Rokushiki:High mastery


Observation:Advanced Mastery

Armament:High Mastery

Devil fruit: Paramecia Enhancing fruit

(A/N For the Level of hardening she will putwith her fruits , i will put them in Silver,Golden,Titanium and finally Diamond so i can tell how hard the bullet will become without haki on it .... with hakiit will be almost undestructible

While for the Speed enhancing it will be Five fold,Ten fold,Fifteen fold and twenty fold)

Created ability: Silver Hardened bullet , Golden Hardened bullet, Golden Hardened Body , five fold bullet speed enhancing , ten fold bullet speed enhancing . Five fold body speed enhancing