
Immortals Book 5 Sixth Half

GT and PK went back to the team.

PK: We will help you.

ET: Thank you so much PK.

GT: Of course, we can't all go in just to save them. We're six. We'll split into two groups. PK, EK and I will handle getting the chord. ET, ML the second and PC will save the people.

EK: You call them people as if one of them isn't your family.

GT: He isn't. I've never met him.

PC: We don't have time. Let's just get this over with.

EK: Where do we start? An-And why am I going with you? I want to go save my parents so that they can see me as a hero.

GT: They'll just see you get your ass kicked. Let's get going.

PK: Sure thing.

The six of them separated into two groups. GT, EK and PK went to get the chord while ET, PC and ML the second went to save the hostages. GT, EK and PK climbed the outside stairs while M and DN the first stood, waiting for them. As they were waiting, Debo came out of a portal, bruised and injured.

M: What the hell happened to you?

Debo: Those dirty humans that call themselves 'The Uprising'. They did this.

DN1st: And the chord?

Debo: I still have it.

M: Good, give it to one of my men to take it in the vault.

Debo: Why? What's happening?

GT, EK and PK showed up.

GT: We're happening.

Debo gave the chord to M's men and he rushed to take the chord to the vault.

Debo: GT, it's nice to see you alive.

GT: You gave that man the chord? We're gonna get it.

M: Please! Who's gonna let you?

PK: We'll get it whether you like it or not and there's only one way to find out.

GT went to M's side while PK went to DN the first's side and EK remained with Debo. Those were the people they were going to fight and that's what they did.

ET, PC and ML the second. ML the second and PC didn't care about whoever tried to stop them, they killed them right away. ET was rushing to where she'd hear voices of people crying and screaming for help. She opened the door and saw people tied up.

ET: Guys! Over here, I've found them.

PC and ML the second rushed to where they were.

ML2nd: PC and ET, you two get them out of here. I'll do rounds to make sure we're safe.

PC: Sure thing.

ET: Don't worry, we won't hurt you.

PC and ET untied all of them and told them to rush out.

ET: PC, hold on.

PC: What's up?

ET: My brother. He's not among these.

PC: Let's get these to safety then we can come back and look for him.

PC and ET led the way as the hostages were behind them. As they were running, they made a turn to the left and saw MT standing at a distance in front of them. They stopped and stood as they watched MT watching them with black blood dripping from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.


PC: ET, wait. That's not MT.

ET: It looks like him.

PC: Yeah, I know. But he would've said something by now and not just stand.

ET: Why does he look like a zombie?

PC: Or someone possessed.

MT started running towards them while screaming preparing to scratch them but he was shot seven times. ML the second was the one that killed MT from behind.

ET: What! No, no, no, no, no. MT, MT get up. ML! What did you do!

ML2nd: I saved your asses.

PC: By killing ET's brother?

ML2nd: He was dead either way.

ET: What? What are you talking about?

ML2nd: He's been given a pill. The Deadly Warrior X drug. It basically turns these into unclean people. Those that cannot think straight or do anything right. His blood became infected and his mind is set to kill whatever doesn't have his blood.

PC: So, he's like a zombie?

ML2nd: Yes. Except, when he bites, scratches or breathes on something or someone normal, they get infected. We'll discuss this later, let's get these people out of here and help the others.

The three escorted all the hostages, including PK and EK's family to the boat. GT and M fought a tough battle. M nearly killed GT using his own sword. GT kicked M, ran towards him and gave him a spear, making them break through the ice and falling all the way to the bottom floor where they still continued fighting.

PK fought DN the first like a piece of cake. They exchanged punches but PK had the upper hand. DN the first reached for his gun and shot PK's shoulder. He walked towards her, pointed the gun at her head, preparing to kill her but she got her leg knife and stabbed his testicles and kicked him off the ice. She then rushed to the others.

EK was running away from Debo and shooting aimlessly. Debo grabbed EK and punched him to the ground. Debo held EK's head and started smashing it on the ground. EK used his gun to hit Debo's leg and run away. Debo was taking it easy on EK to see what he could do. When Debo reached EK, EK punched him and blasted him 7 feet away. Debo then got upset and started running to EK. EK continued shooting Debo but Debo opened a portal with his hands that was erasing the blasts. EK panicked and rolled in between Debo's legs and blasted him off the ice palace, far away.

EK followed PK, ML the second, ET and PC.

PK: Where's GT?

EK: I don't know, I saw him jump inside with that guy.

PK: The chord is in some kind of vault. If you find it, tell me through the comms, and whatever you do, do not touch the chord. I'll go look for GT.

PC: Sure thing. We'll secure the chord

ML2nd: Let's get moving.

GT and M were still fighting. GT was bleeding but not as much as he made M bleed. M was about to stab GT's head when he was down, but GT got up, kicked M, cut off his right arm, kicked him again and cut off his left arm and kicked him again then stabbed his knees. M sat on the ground, leaning against the wall.

M: Well, GT. You have become a great fighter compared to when we first met.

GT: And you haven't changed a little. I really want to kill you right now, but I'd rather let you bleed to death.

M: GT.

GT: What!?

M: Look kid, I know we haven't gotten the chance to talk like this. If I still had my arms, we'd probably be still fighting. I know I'm evil, Debo's evil. We all are but someone who isn't evil is DN the first. He's not my real father, Debo is, but he doesn't know that. The time he married my mother, she was already pregnant with me.

GT: Where are you getting at with this story?

M: What I'm trying to say is DN the first is only the way he is because he still believes that his wife's death and family's separation is because of you and your team. All I ask is for you not to kill him, please.

GT: I'll think about it.

EK on Comms: Hey everybody, we've found the chord.

GT immediately turned around and saw PK standing behind him.

PK: Uh, EK and the others have found the chord.

GT: PK, I can explain.

PK: You mean explain how M's bleeding to death?

GT: It was either me or him. There was no other choice.

ML2nd on comms: GT, PK, wherever you are, come here fast because EK is getting impatient and is going to touch the chord.

PK: Let's go!