Chapter 11 - Skill Upgrade 2

Chapter 11 – Skill Upgrade 2

Glen started his project to upgrade Bubbly's useless bubble skill. He put a pot on the stove and filled it with the Colorless stage water. After that, he turned on the stove and boiled the water.

Glen put a metal lid above the pot to condense the steam and collect the water. The process did not take that long and after he got 1 liter of distilled water, he turned off the stove and waited for the water to cool.

After that, Glen gave his command to Bubbly, "Use Bubble on this water."

Bubbly inhaled some air and inflated his body. After that, a bubble separated itself from his body. This was similar to when he was using Bubble Gun but the bubble that appeared did not dash forward. It only floated in the air.

Bubbly controlled the bubble and it slowly flew to the distilled water. Once the bubble touched the distilled water, something happened.

The distilled water moved and some of them were absorbed by the bubble and a second later, the bubble popped. Glen did not get any notification and Bubbly continued using another bubble.

'It is kind of weird to see distilled water having this kind of effect,' Glen smiled. He knew that what he prepared was normal distilled water. Even so, he was playing a fantasy game and thus, the fantasy effect.

There was no way a real-life distilled water would be able to do what he was seeing at the moment.

Bubbly used the Bubble skill a few more times and each time the bubble touched the water, it would absorb the water. At the tenth bubble, Bubbly's body shone a bit and Glen got a notification from the system.

[Bubbly's Bubble skill upgraded.

Skill – Bubble 2

Grade – G

Element – Water

Level – 1 [0% Mastery]

Effect – Distraction +0.1 second… Chance 5%... Cooldown 5 minutes

[Congratulations! Player Glen is the first player in the game to discover and succeed in upgrading skills.

Reward: Private Room [1 cubic meter x5]

Do you want to publicize your achievement? Yes/No?]

In Beast Life, every skill would have a grade, element, level, mastery, and effects. No matter how strong the skill was, every skill would start at Grade G.

From a forum post that Glen had read while taking care of the internet café, a hardcore gamer had managed to increased the skill's grade but that was through leveling up the skill normally.

According to the post, the skill would level up when mastery reached 100% and when it reached level 10, the system would give a mission to advance the skill to the higher grade.

The gamer was unsure of how many grades were there but following the normal gaming alphabetical grade, since it started with Grade G, it would probably end at S or SS. Still, this was only speculation. No one in the game had yet to get far because the game was still new.

Glen was surprised when he saw the two notifications but he immediately answered no to publicize his achievement. Since he was the first player in the game, he decided to keep it a secret. Let others figure it out themselves.

He would not tell others that he could upgrade his skill. He would stick to his original intention, upgrading the beasts.

Glen decided to do that because he wanted to have an edge against other players. If other players could upgrade their skills too, Glen would not be able to become stronger than them.

Glen was also surprised by the upgraded Bubble skill. It was now called Bubble 2 and the most amazing thing was that it had a new effect, a distraction for 0.1 seconds.

Glen read the description of the skill and was happy when he knew it was just like what he thought. When Bubbly used Bubble 2, the opponent's attention would automatically be drawn to the bubble for 0.1 seconds.

The effect was amazing because Bubbly could attack during their distraction and 0.1 seconds was more than enough for them to counterattack.

Even so, a good skill would have limitations put on them and for Bubble 2 skill, there was a chance percentage and skill cooldown.

The chance for the effect to work was only 5% which was super low and it had a cooldown of 5 minutes. Quite a harsh limitation but Glen understood why this happened.

Bubble 2 was originally from Bubble skill which was a useless skill. It was only an upgrade and the skill could not suddenly become powerful. It needed to climb slowly to become a powerful skill.

Be that as it may, Glen did not mind the limitation because once the skill level up, he could strengthen the skill. He could upgrade the skill again until it becomes powerful.

Glen had a lot of chances to better the skill and with his Data Saver, it would be super easy.

However, when Glen checked Bubbly's stat, unfortunately, Bubble 2 could not be upgraded again. However, there was a note that the upgrade could only be done once per the whole upgrade or advance.

In other words, if Bubbly went through an upgrade to Tier 3-star or advanced to the White stage, Bubble 2 could be upgraded again. Still, Glen was happy with what he had and he decided to upgrade Bubble Barrier and Bubble Gun.

The upgrade method for Bubble Barrier and Bubble Gun was as simple as Bubble. So, Glen did not encounter any problem upgrading them. The two skills were successfully upgraded to Bubble Barrier 2 and Bubble Gun 2.

Glen decided to strengthen the effect the skill already had and thus, their effect increased by 20% after the upgrade. As for learning the new skills, Glen decided to do it on another day. It was late and he wanted to sleep.

Glen got out of the kitchen and saw Bertha waiting outside.

"Did you succeed?" Bertha asked curiously while looking at Bubbly. She could see that there was no change to Bubbly.

"No, I fail but I almost succeed. I just need to revise the formula a bit," Glen replied. Bertha nodded.

"Anyway, can you start planning for my beast's upgrade?" Bertha asked but she also added, "You can take your time for your planning. I don't want you to rush it."

Bertha knew that Glen was a newbie and did not want him to rush but he wanted Glen to get her beast's data so that he would have a long time to research for an upgraded method for the beast.

"Sure. We will discuss this tomorrow," Glen agreed. To tell the truth, he had already appraised Bertha's beast which was a Tier 2-star Silver Frog. It was a small beast but was quite powerful for a Tier 2-star beast.

From all the data and knowledge Glen had accumulated, there were a few safe methods for the Silver Frog's upgrade. He could do it easily but needed to be careful or people would notice he had a special skill.

He would follow the routine of the NPC's Upgrade Specialist in the game. He had yet to research this part but he would take the order first and research on the routine later.

"Really? Nice~. Hahaha, you don't need to worry about the fee. I will pay you handsomely and I just hope you can upgrade my Silfra to 3-star," Bertha spoke excitedly and she added, "If you succeed in this case, I will help you to promote it to the other villagers," Bertha grinned.

"Don't worry! I will do the best I can and don't be shocked later!" Glen spoke confidently.

"Well then, I am off to bed," Bertha left Glen and went back to her room.

"I will take my time in 'searching' for the upgrade method but I will make sure that my upgrade method will always be a success. If I keep a high success rate, I can get a lot of customers!" Glen could not wait for the time he could get a lot of customers to upgrade their beasts.

He had been struggling for money since he started playing Beast Life. Now that his debt was gone, he could focus on his career as the Upgrade Specialist. He would make a lot of money after this and live a good life… in the game… maybe in real life too once he converted the game money to real money.

Glen got back to his room and he sat on his bed and checked Bubbly's stat.

Name – Bubbly

Gender – Male

Species – Thick Bubble

Tier – 2 star

Rank – 1

Stage – Colorless

Potential – White

Talent – D

Element – Water

HP – 2.00 [Max 2.80]

Energy – 5.00 [Max 6.20]

Attack – 0.90 [Max 1.30]

Defense – 2.00 → 2.40 [Max 3.20]

Speed – 0.10 [Max 0.50]

Advancement to Colorless Rank 2 – 20/100

Leftover Stat Points – 0


Bubble 2 [Water] (G) [Level 1 – 0%] – 5% chance of Distraction, 5 min cooldown, 0.5 energy per use

Bubble Barrier 2 [Water] (G) [Level 1 – 78%] – Def+1.0 → Def+1.2, 0.5 energy per use

Bubble Gun 2 [Water] (G) [Level 2 – 12%] – Atk+0.3 → Atk+0.48, 0.2 energy per use

Since Glen and Bubbly fought the wild beasts in the prairie, Bubbly had managed to increase his advancement point to 20/100. Based on the tier and stage of the beast, each energy would raise the stat by a certain point.

The point obtained could be freely distributed by the tamer and Glen decided to add them all to defense. Bubbly would get 0.02 stat points per advancement point and thus, he got a total of 0.4 stat points with 20 advancement points.

Advancement points could be gained by eating or fighting another beast. As for how much it would increase, it depended on the talent of the beast. Since Bubbly's talent was Grade D, it would take him a while to increase the advancement point.

As for the skills, after the upgrade, Bubble Barrier and Bubble Gun gained an increase of 50% of its power. As for Bubble Gun, due to constant fighting in the wild, it leveled up to 2.

Glen was happy to see Bubbly's progress and he could not wait to test it fighting in the wild the next day. Even so, he had something else to focus on at the moment.

"Private room…" Glen mumbled as he read the notification he got earlier.