Ominous Dreams


William's eyes widened as I spat at him with all of the hatred I stashed away in my heart.

"What?" he said, appalled by such a strong word suddenly thrown at him. I wasn't thinking straight and I didn't take into consideration that this place and era was a whole different world where I used to be.

And the people in it as well were.

But I was so consumed with loathe that it blinded me. All I saw was the man I loved and the same person that broke me into pieces.

"You broke my heart, William. I will never forget." I said as I stared into his purple eyes.

His hands threw up in what seemed as a gesture of defeat. I was still holding on to his shirt when I suddenly started to feel something trying to come out of my mouth.

A mix of bitter, sour, and a hint of spicy taste shot up and I gagged. It was a horrible feeling, like my throat burned. My head lolled, then fell down and I accidentally hit Will's chin as I threw up at the floor of the vehicle.

The girls screamed in disgust and the boys sent out a series of words I could only surmise as curses of the twenty-first century young generation.

"Oh for fucks sake. Becky! Go get your sister's medicine." I heard the guy who called for the truck to stop instruct Rebecca.

As far as my recent flash of memories serve me, she and I in this lifetime were sisters, with me as the eldest. We had a younger brother named Samuel but he died early on due to a severe case of pneumonia when he was just two years-old.

Rebecca fumbled through the luggage which were arranged neatly at the front and produced a bottle of pills. She handed one over to Will while Alicia came with some water in what looked like a clear bottle that wasn't a glass.

"Okay Lizzie, here you go. Drink and let's get you to the front seat so you can rest better." William said as he tried to offer me the pill and water.

I slapped his open hand and the blue pill flew away, hitting Sussanah in the eye. His other hand that held the bottle of water slipped and he quickly grabbed to save it from spilling all over with my puke.

He almost succeeded but sadly, the water splashed anyway.

"OW! Bitch, what's gotten into you?!" Sussanah shouted, furious as she rubbed at her teary right eye. Alicia just idly watched, not a bit interested to join the commotion.

My vision became blurred and I slowly felt my body become heavy. My left arm felt like it had been anchored and I collapsed on my sides in an awkward position.

"Fuck!" Will's voice ringed at the background.

My eyes hurt. The sun was so bright that I shut my eyes tight and cried. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I felt someone wipe it away. The touch was so gentle and sweet.

"Okay everyone calm down. Bash, come on let's get her to the front seat." I heard the muscled guy say. After that, I totally lost track of what happened and my vision went black.

In my unconscious state, I had the most disconcerting dream.

I was in the middle of a forest, barefoot and I was only in my nightgown. There were footsteps that paced slowly but even as I turned around frantically, there was no one in sight.

I was scared and the cold pierced right through my bones.

Fog crept in the damp forest floor and the eerie cries of ravens echoed. The trees were bare, their old leaves dead and rotting, forgotten by the branches that held them dearly when they were young.

Out of nowhere, I saw a woman sitting at the gnarled dead trunk that lay in front of me. She looked so ephemeral, like a ghost or maybe even a fairy, I don't really know.

Her hair ran down towards the forest floor, long, shiny, dark navy blue that was adorned with dainty little white flowers. At closer inspection, they looked like dahlias she fashioned as a crown.

"You have come so far dear child, and yet your heart still lives in the past's torment." She said, her white milky blind eyes staring straight at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as I stood stupefied.

"Your fervent wish has been granted sweet love." She said. "This is your new life, this is your chance to live and to let go of the past."

"If that is so, I don't understand. Why do I remember everything if this is my new life?" It was absurd. To be born again, it was said that memories of your past life should be left behind.

Mercy to those that had a tragic ending, bliss to the happy ones.

"Well, that is a pretty good question." She pointed a finger in a matter-of-fact way. She jumped down the old mossy log and landed lightly on her tiny feet without a sound as if she weighed but a feather.

"You are a special girl, if I might say so. Yes, you are." She walked back and forth in figures of eight. She bent down and peered at me sideways, her hair swayed with her eccentric movements, "You have a mission to fulfill, I can see that."

"What? What am I supposed to do? I literally died on the stake. I burned and all because Shalem didn't accept that I was different!"

"True enough, yes." She agreed. "A witch will never be accepted by the people who already closed their hearts."

"But I am not a witch! I am but only a woman who loved and was betrayed." I shrieked at her. No matter who this lady was, I didn't give a damn anymore.

"Love, in the eyes of the fool, any woman or man who deviates, is the devil." She smiled at me and her eyes twinkled like dead stars.

I broke down and cried, not minding that my pristine off-white gown had been soiled by the ground. I heard her tiny gaits and felt a cold hand touch my arm.

"Follow your heart sweet love, look for the blind seer. He will help you."