Life in the Fast Lane

"Do you want to know if I want to kill you?"

I whispered into his ears; the words intentionally dragged slowly to make him shiver in fear.

I withdrew from my attack and saw Bash's face had gone rigid, like he was actually scared of me. I smiled at him as wickedly as I could. He stood up abruptly in an ungraceful manner as if he wanted to stay away from me as soon as possible.

The look of his face I will forever hold dear in my memories. I laughed out loud and stood up to lightly tap on his shoulder.

"Just kidding Bash." I told him and left the table as Becky and Zeke returned. His friend noticed Bash had stood frozen while I slowly walked away.

"What happened between the two of you again?" he asked.

"Oh nothing. We just had a little chit-chat." I waved my hand in dismissal. "We good to go now?"

"Oh yeah, let's pay then get ourselves going. I think Suzy and Ali already gone and paid theirs." Becky said as she grabbed onto her wallet and put a few bills down the table.

"You done also, Bash?" she asked as she went to hold Zeke's arm. Quite funny. Do couples of the 21st century always go to the toilet separately but come back at the same time?

"Hey guys! You all G? God, nothing irks me more than the noise of children early in the morning." Ali popped out from behind the lovestruck couple.

I noticed Suzy got up last from their table and left a dollar and some few coins to tip. Levi was out of sight. Probably at the men's room.

"Yeah, I think we are all done now. Right, Sebastian?" I turned to look back at William's reincarnation and he jolted from my unusually too casual call and nodded too eagerly.

He was probably disturbed by my sudden mood shifts and I scoffed at him. Good, better to make him less likely to be fond of me. That way it would be easier for me to take revenge on William through his current reincarnation – Bash.

We all went out the resto and Levi followed suit shortly. He had half jogged and half brisk-walked as his head moved at a searching manner, his red hair looked like fire in the morning light.

"Oooh, there you all are!" he shouted as he caught sight of the gang huddled together at the truck. "Nearly thought you guys left me out all alone."

"We wouldn't do that Levi. You boys are the reason we are going to Coachella. Don't you think it would be such a waste to leave even one man behind?" Suzy said as she pretended to inspect her fake nails.

"Oh, that makes sense. Point taken." Levi shrugged. The others slowly went on their way back up the truck and I attempted to climb in with them as well.

I wouldn't have been shocked if Levi had been the one to stop me from joining them. But this time around, it was actually Suzy who did.

"Okay Lizzie. We ain't going to do yesterday again." She said as her carefully manicured nails waved in front of my face.

Ahh… dammit. Still shotgun until next stop again I see. This is going to be one hell of a long ride with my worst enemy.

I hopped on to the front with little struggle just to get myself seated right. No use to argue now. Better live with the fact that they won't let me ride at the back ever again because I threw up.

Once! Just once!

Just as Levi was about to jump up the back after the ladies and Zeke had climbed in, Bash called him hurriedly,

"Vivi, you want to drive the truck this time?" Bash said. He waved his keys towards the big red-head's general direction.

I poked my head out the car window and listened to their conversation, a bit curious why. Levi's eyes sparkled and I could sense that he liked the idea of him being the driver this time.

"Wow, really Bash?" he said as he climbed back down the cemented lot. "Dang, you never let anyone touch the wheels even if you had to drive when you are sick. What changed now?"

Levi jokingly swung his muscled arm around Bash and ruffled his hair. It was like a scene I saw back when father would ruffle Cory's hair fondly.

Cute and heartwarming.

Their relationship as friends looks genuine.

"Aahhh… you treat me like a child just because you're bigger, Vivi!" Bash chuckled lightly as he struggled to get away from Levi's grasp. "There's always a first, right? Now go on before I change my mind."

Bash slapped the big softie's butt and the scene was rather funny if I might say so. I would have actually laughed, but then I saw Bash gave me a cold as ice side glance and then swung his long legs to climb at the back.

The look he gave me made me rethink my choices.

I furrowed my brows and thought to myself. Had I done the right thing back there in the resto? Was it right to play coy with Bash and confuse him with my sudden outburst of ups and downs?

There was a sudden bang as the driver's seat was now occupied by Levi. He shifted from side to side and then adjusted the seat to his liking. Bash was about as tall as Levi was but the big guy's built was a different story.

Levi whistled happy tunes like he was given the best gift on his birthday party. He inserted and turned the truck's key. The truck made several gurgling sounds and then the steady hum of the functional engine purred like a cat.

A very, very, big cat.

"You guys ready now? Hold on tight!" Levi shouted at the back. I saw Ali and the boys scramble for something to hold on to. Becky and Suzy followed and I don't know why but I immediately felt the urge to climb out of the truck.

Levi checked that my seat-belt was worn correctly and he grabbed and clicked his on too. The next thing I knew the truck spun and swerved back into the road so fast I didn't even have much time to react.

Levi pressed on the button to play music and coincidentally the one that played was the epitome of his driving style.

'He had a nasty reputation as a cruel dude

They said he was ruthless, said he was crude

They had one thing in common, they were good in bed

She'd say, "Faster, faster. The lights are turnin' red.'

Levi tapped at the steering wheel and bobbed his head like some crazy guy who cracked. The chorus of the song played and he went on to sing too.

"Life in the fast lane

Surely make you lose your mind

Life in the fast lane

Are you with me so far?!"

Levi shouted and stepped on the gas as we sped through wide open roads towards our destination. The wind whipped at my face and I couldn't keep up with all the things the we passed by.

The scenery almost blended in a swirling blur with the road and all I could hear was Levi's voice as he continued to sing.

"Life in the fast lane

Life in the fast lane."

Dear God, I think I'm about to throw up again.


A/N: Song Recommendation ---> Life in the Fast Lane by Eagles