Mirror Mirror on the Wall

"Fuck!" I heard Bash curse at the back. "Levi, pull up the lever for the convertible roof. It's somewhere in there. Red stick." He instructed through the clear window.

Levi scrambled for the lever Bash mentioned while he concentrated on driving us safely. It was basically right beside him, and yet he couldn't see it. I don't know why but I found simple joy at everyone's panic and I didn't tell Levi I already found the lever.

The rain started to really pour down hard and the road's visibility wasn't looking good.

"Levi Spanner Jones!" Bash shouted. "Hurry up, man!"

"I know, I know! I'm trying here Sebastian Motherfucker!" and then Levi turned to look at me as I have stared for the longest time at the red lever. He cursed and pulled the stick as he traced the direction I had stared at. Automatically, the convertible roof opened the at the back of the truck.

Due to bad visibility, Levi decided we had to pull over and luckily there was some mini cafe that had a free parking space up ahead.

"Why didn't you say something?" he snarled at me. He put the car into a sudden stop and I immediately unlocked my seatbelt and jumped out of the front seat, scared of what he could do to me.

"Holy shit this is the worst day ever!" Suzy shrieked as she got down and ran towards the entrance of the cafe. Zeke helped Becky off as she jumped from the back while he caught her just like something you would see in theatre dramas.

Ali gracefully swung her small body over and ran after Suzy while Bash was the last to get of the truck. Our eyes met, hazel to purple, and we both stood in the rain longer than we should. We practically had a staring contest under the rain and it was only when Levi got out of the truck, did we realize we had been totally drenched.

"What are you two idiots doing? Come on!" Levi's deep voice competed with the thunder that rolled in the distance. He grabbed my arm as well as Bash's and basically dragged us over the shade of the cafe's building.

"Hey guys, come on in. They turned the heater on for us, how lucky!" Ali waved at us. We gingerly entered into the café, drenched and cold, and the staff were kind enough to offer us their comfort rooms and some spare towels.

"How come it's all warm in here and yet I don't see a fireplace or a hearth?" I said a bit confused. Right after the last word I uttered left my mouth, the expressions of the girls' face made me instantly regret that I spoke.

"Lizzie, are you nuts? It's called a heater girl, duh? What happened to you? You seem to space out intermittently since yesterday." Suzy said as she had rubbed on her damp hair.

The girls took turns using the available small comfort room of the café. Suzy and Becky went first while Ali and I waited outside for our turn. The boys were at the other side and their little chit-chats were an inaudible string of unrecognizable words.

Becky was kind enough to have brought my bag that contained my change of clothes. Thankfully, the rain hadn't been able to seep through the bag's material and everything remained as it is when I last opened it. I believe it was called 'water proof'.

As Becky and Suzy got out of the girl's comfort room after some long time, Ali and I took our turn and went in. As we entered, I jumped as I got a look at my own image on the mirror that was as big and tall as the room itself.

The area was actually pretty neat for a small lavatory. There were only a few cubicles and the mirrors were huge. Near the sink, there was a wide angled mirror too and a citrus-y scent welcomed my senses.

Ali wrung out excess water from her black shirt and went inside one of the cubicles to change. I stared at the mirror and saw my reflection. I still wasn't used to the changes that happened to the taste in hairstyle and fashion sense here in the twenty-first century.

I reached out into my reflection's face and I saw something shift, like a ripple in the mirror. I jerked my hand away and noticed that aside from my reflection, there she was, the eerie woman in my dreams looking straight at me through the mirror.

She had a thin smile on and my heart almost jumped out of my mouth from the shock. I had gaped at her and after a few long seconds she finally spoke.

'Cat got your tongue, dear?' she said as she playfully tiptoed in the small room.

I turned around to see if she was physically present but when I looked behind there wasn't anyone else. I could hear Ali shuffle with her clothes inside the cubicle but aside from that, we were the only ones inside the comfort room it seems.

I looked back into the mirror and there she was, sitting on the sink beside me.

"Oh, my dear lord, you frighten me!" I whispered at her to which she only giggled. Her long hair had now been braided into a beautiful crown around her head. Dahlias still adorned them here and there and her milky white eyes stared at me through the mirror.

"Did you say something, Lizzie?" Ali called out from her cubicle.

'Only you can hear me, sweet love. You don't need to talk, just listen to me.' The woman said.

"Oh, it's nothing, Ali! Was just talking to myself." I replied to Ali's question. My eyes still fixed on the woman that appeared in the mirror.

What could she want?

This is really crazy… what the heck is going on now? Am I dreaming while wide awake?

'This isn't a dream dear child. I am real and you aren't crazy.' She said as if she had read through my thoughts straight out of my head. 'I am only here to help you out dear. You still seem to be so confused with your feelings.'

Who is this person really? Was she a real deal witch? Or was she the devil in sheep's skin?

'Oh my, this is the problem with children nowadays. You are all so skeptical and lack faith!'
